Scrum Product Owner - 2 (PSPO-II)
Prepare for Your Exam;
350+ most up-to-date and unique Q&A with explanation verified by our extensive years of experienced and certified experts to prepare well for Scrum Product Owner level II (PSPO II) exam. The questions in PDF file helping students/professional to not only prepare well for the exam but also helping them to PASS the exam outstandingly on the first attempt with flying colors.
Don't hesitate!!! Buy the PDF with full of confidence because our experts always update the PDF with current level exam questions so that you can fully prepared for the actual exam.
About the PSPO-II Exam:
The Professional Scrum Product Owner II assessment is available to anyone who wishes to validate their advanced knowledge of Professional Scrum Product Ownership, the Scrum framework, and delivering valuable products. Those who pass the assessment will receive the industry recognized PSPO II Certification to demonstrate their mastery of the content.
- Fee: $250 USD per attempt
- Passing score: 85%
- Time limit: 60 minutes
- Number of Questions: 40 (partial credit provided on some questions)
- Format: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer
- Difficulty: Advanced
- Language: English only
- Free Credly digital credential included
- PSPO II Subject Areas
Salary Range : 130K to 165K USD per Year