Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT)
Prepare for Your Exam;
180 most up-to-date and unique questionnaires verified by our extensive years of experienced and certified experts to prepare for Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) exam. The questions in PDF file helping students/professional to not only prepare great for exam but also helping them outstandingly to PASS the exam on first attempt with flying colors.
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About the CGEIT Exam;
CGEIT is a vendor-neutral certification designed for IT professionals responsible for managing IT enterprise governance to validate their skills in the field. The Certified in Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) certification is a vendor-neutral certification offered through the ISACA.
ISACA has established both skillset and work experience perquisites that must be satisfied before they will be eligible for this certification. For the skill set requirement, the certification candidate must have experience in an oversight or advisory role supporting IT-related enterprise governance.
The work experience requirement is that the candidate must have worked in this skill set for at least five years. It should be noted that since candidates have five years to submit their CGEIT application after taking the exam, candidates may opt to take the certification exam well before they have satisfied their work experience requirement.
What’s on the CGEIT exam?
The ISACA organizes the exam by five main CGEIT domains, which includes: