Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) (PMI-100)
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700+ most up-to-date and unique questionnaires verified by our extensive years of experienced and certified experts to prepare for Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exam. The questions in PDF file helping students/professional to not only prepare great for exam but also helping them outstandingly to PASS the exam on first attempt with flying colors.
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PMI-100 Exam;
The CAPM certification offers recognition to practitioners who are interested in or are just starting a career in project management, as well as project team members who wish to demonstrate their project management knowledge. This certification denotes that the individual possesses the knowledge in the principles and terminology of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), which outlines generally recognized good practices in project management.
- The certification exam has 150 questions, and you have three hours to complete it.
- CAPM certification holders need to earn 15 PDUs every three years to maintain the certification