Blue Prism Certified Installation Engineer (AIE02)
Prepare for Your Exam;
45+ most up-to-date and unique questionnaires verified by our extensive years of experienced and certified experts to prepare well for Blue Prism Certified Installation Engineer (AIE02) exam. The questions in PDF file helping students/professionals to not only prepare well for the exam but also helping them to PASS the RPA exam outstandingly on the first attempt with flying colors.
Don't hesitate!!! Buy the PDF with full of confidence as we always update the PDF with current level exam questions so that you can fully prepared for the actual exam.
To become a certified Installation Engineer, you must pass either of the Installing and Configuring a Blue Prism Environment Exams. These exams are version specific and available for both Blue Prism v5.0(AIE01) and v6.0(AIE02). Certification is awarded for passing any one of these exams and is valid for life. The exam tests a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of how all Blue Prism architectural components should be deployed and configured for a successful implementation.
Exam Details;
• 45 multiple questions randomly selected from a pool.
• All questions of equal weight.
• 60 minute exam*
• Pass mark 70%