AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01)
Prepare for Your Exam;
195+ most up-to-date and unique questionnaires verified by our extensive years of experienced and certified experts to prepare well for AWS Certified Database - Specialty (DBS-C01) exam. The questions in PDF file helping students/professionals to not only prepare well for the exam but also helping them to PASS the exam outstandingly on the first attempt with flying colors.
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About DBS-C01 Exam;
Earn an industry-recognized credential from AWS that validates your expertise in the breadth of AWS database services and accelerating the use of database technology to drive your organization’s business transformation. Build credibility and confidence by highlighting your ability to design, recommend, and maintain the optimal AWS database solution for a use case.
Abilities Validated by the Certification
- Understand and differentiate the key features of AWS database services
- Analyze needs and requirements to recommend and design appropriate database solutions using AWS services
Recommended Knowledge and Experience
- At least 5 years of experience with database technologies
- At least 2 years of hands-on experience working on AWS
- Experience and expertise working with on-premises and AWS-Cloud-based relational and nonrelational databases.