Automation Anywhere Certified Master RPA Professional (A360)
Prepare for Your Exam;
135+ most up-to-date and unique Q&A verified by our extensive years of experienced and certified experts to prepare for Automation Anywhere Certified Master RPA Professional (360) exam. The questions in PDF file helping students/professional to not only prepare great for exam but also helping them outstandingly to PASS the exam on first attempt with flying colors.
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The Automation Anywhere Certified Master RPA Professional Certification is specifically designed to evaluate a learner's ability to build intricate bots utilizing the Automation Success Platform 360. This certification program requires candidates to demonstrate their proficiency in automating business processes by analyzing case studies and creating the necessary bots. Obtaining this certification validates your expertise in building complex bots and showcases your ability to leverage the Automation Success Platform 360 to design effective automation solutions for complex business challenges.
The Master A360 certification exam tests you on these objectives:
- Build bots using various package actions
- Demonstrate the usage of the Credential Vault and lockers to securely handle sensitive information
- Build a resilient and scalable bot proficiently
- Automate processes:
- using Excel Basic and Excel Advanced actions
- for receiving and sending emails from an unattended mailbox
- Build bots to use external scripts to extend Automation 360 capabilities
- Use appropriate variable types to handle various types of data
- Q&A Assessment/Test: This is a time-based assessment and consists of 50 questions that need to be completed in 1 hour 45 mins and in a single seating. The passing criteria for this exam is 80%.
Hands-on assessment:
Activity: Create bots that can automate business processes based on the use cases provided | Number of attempts: 1
- Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional - 2023
- Hands-on practice building bots using Automation 360 Community Edition
Preparing for your certification exam
The Automation Anywhere Certified Master RPA Professional Prep learning trail contains a curated set of courses that enable you to prepare for the certification
Exam Fees: US $130