Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional (Automation 360)
Prepare for Your Exam;
275+ most up-to-date and unique Q&A verified by our extensive years of experienced and certified experts to prepare for Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional (Automation 360) exam. The questions in PDF file helping students/professional to not only prepare great for exam but also helping them outstandingly to PASS the exam on first attempt with flying colors.
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The Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional Certification is specifically designed to assess a learner's comprehensive knowledge of the Automation Anywhere product suite. This certification program tests the proficiency of individuals in utilizing the features of the Automation Success Platform and creating automation solutions to resolve practical business problems by building bots. Obtaining this certification showcases your expertise in RPA technology and your ability to leverage the Automation Success Platform for designing effective automation solutions.
Certification objectives;
This exam tests you on these objectives:
- Describe the Automation Anywhere product suite
- Describe the various features of the Automation 360
- Describe how to use Automation 360 to build software robots (bots)
- Describe how to use Automation 360 action packages to build bots
- Describe how to build resilient bots
- Explain how automation can provide solutions to real-life business problems
Question: 60 multiple choices | Duration: 2 hours | Exam type: Online | Passing score: 80% | Number of attempts: 2
- Successful completion of all the courses in the Bot Developer (Automation 360) learning trail (6 hours)
- Recommended courses:
- Automation Anywhere Product Landscape
- What's Different in Automation 360
- Automating Tasks Using the Automation 360 File and Folder Action Packages
- Automating Tasks Using the Automation 360 Email Package
- Overview of the Commonly Used Automation 360 Packages
Preparing for your certification exam
The Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional Prep learning trail contains a curated set of courses that enable you to prepare for the certification exam.
Your cost: US $80